Ashiatsu Massage

Ashiatsu Massage

Ashiatsu massage  bars, Santa Rosa, CA
Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage

With regular Swedish and deep tissue massage, the #1 complaint is that the massage therapist can't go deep enough. People are yearning for deep massage work.

This Western spin on Asian barefoot massage gives a deep massage experience and is known to:
  • Give benefits of regular massage PLUS...
  • improve posture
  • relieve deeper pain and stress
  • treat chronic spinal problems
  • provide an incredibly deep massage
    ... all while still being gentle.
What is Ashiatsu?

Inspired by Eastern massage techniques and adapted from ancient forms of barefoot massage, Ashiatsu (Ashi = foot; atsu = pressure) is a highly effective treatment for individuals who suffer from chronic neck and back pain.

Ashiatsu combines elements of Thai Massage, Japanese Shiatsu, and India’s Keralite massage, with underlining dynamics in the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Many clients say they will never go back to traditional hand massage after experiencing Ashiatsu.
Ashiatsu Video
This video shows Ron doing Ashiatsu in the Quiet Massage studio.
How Does Ashiatsu Work?

Like traditional Swedish massage Ashiatsu Massage Therapy is performed on a massage table. During treatment, the massage therapist lowers the massage table, supported by parallel wooden bars suspended from the ceiling, applies deep foot pressure to strategic points along the spine and body to achieve maximum muscle compression – as gentle or deep as you like. Ashiatsu one and two-footed strokes distribute pressure evenly over a large area of the body, thereby providing deep, relaxing massage without the pain often associated with traditional deep tissue massage.

Ashiatsu draws on the power of the massage therapists legs and the weight of our body to impact the deeper muscle layers as well as more accessible surface tissues.
This massage feels better than it might look... Ask for a sample of Ashiatsu during your next massage at no additional charge.

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